One Earth. One Home. One Chance.

Earth Lab

A youth-led organisation in Southeast Asia fighting food waste through charity, natural catastrophes through AI, and air pollution and climate change through mechanical and bioengineering.




Kilos and counting

a sustainable community kitchen

Koh's Kitchen.

Pioneering a new model of charity: Taking produce that would normally be discarded (e.g. imperfect foods, foodstuff about to expire) and using them to prepare nourishing meals for the less fortunate.

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fighting climate catastrophes

AI Drones.

At 15, Zeaus built a novel adaptive RAG-based LLM pipeline to convert natural language into accurate drone code, allowing emergency responders to use professional UAVs to aid crisis response.

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Fellowships and Investments

removing pollutants and carbon dioxide from the air

Filtrair. Sequestair.

At 16, Zeaus built Filtrair, a solar-powered, outdoor air filtration setup. He was awarded the Emergent Ventures Fellowship of $20K USD to further his work.

At 17, Zeaus is working on the biggest technical project of One Earth Lab yet: Sequestair, a unit that can sequester carbon from the atmosphere.

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training southeast asian youths to be stewards of the environment

outreach efforts.

Zeaus was the Deputy Secretary General of the Global Youth Leaders Summit in 2023, gathering 400 student leaders in Singapore to discuss solutions to pertinent issues, including climate change.

He also served as the Deputy Secretary General of the Hwa Chong Model ASEAN Summit in 2023, which hosted 200 top youth leaders from Southeast Asia in Singapore for a week of ideation and changemaking.

Besides these two flagship events, Zeaus and his One Earth Lab team have conducted smaller workshops at primary and secondary schools.

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Students Reached


Mouths Fed


Kilograms of Food Saved


Novel Inventions

“Zeaus is an absolute force of nature, who loves nature. His leadership, dedication and maker spirit has scaled the work of One Earth Lab to what it is today.”

Jaden tee
student engineer and climate activist working at one earth lab

“Zeaus is an enterprising, gritty builder from Singapore who's tackling climate change with exciting deep tech innovations. He epitomises the Emergent Ventures spirit.”

Prof. tyler cowen
founder of emergent ventures, writer at marginal revolutions

“Zeaus is doing very impressive work conceptualising, researching and then building Filtrair and Sequestair. I'm proud of his contributions to the environmental cause!"

dr. melvyn lim
deputy principal of hwa chong institution and advisor to zeaus

“Zeaus is meticulous and driven. His work at One Earth Lab transcends activism: He's actively building the future and leading Southeast Asian teens to do the same.”

Dr. fang yu ching
high school teacher whose students have participated in zeaus' workshops

"Zeaus is someone I look up to. As a leader, he actively involves us volunteer chefs in the planning of Koh's Kitchen and celebrates our successes. He's taught me so much and I'm inspired by his passion.”

megan lee
volunteer chef at 1EL

“Smart and humble. The speed at which Zeaus can iterate through prototypes and execute difficult technical projects gives me hope for the future of our planet.”

Dr. shieh le shiang
phd in philosophy and mentor to zeaus

New Initiatives

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