developing novel solutions to environmental challenges

our innovations

we run through the whole design, research and engineering process, over and over again.
we don't just talk, we build.

building a sustainable future

Zeaus leads a team of technical youth to build software and hardware to tackle a range of environmental challenges.

helping to tackle environmental catastrophes

aI-powered drones (RescueAI)

By 16, Zeaus had taught himself how to code and build AI models.

Seeing the rise in environmental catastrophes due to climate change and the struggles of frontline responders, he built a novel adaptive retrieval-augmented generation system to convert natural language into reliable drone code.

This system, now referred to as RescueAI, can enhance emergency responses to natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes and earthquakes. The system performs 15-fold better than GPT-4-1106.

Zeaus was recognised nationally as a Young Defence Scientist for his work and was personally congratulated by the Minister of Defence. RescueAI is now being deployed for emergency response missions. Click here to access news article.

combatting air pollution at scale


In response to haze outbreaks and rising air pollution levels, and the high prices and limited scope of commercial air purifiers, Zeaus and his team developed Filtrair, the first solar-powered air filtration unit for outdoor use.

Filtrair can be assembled for less than $50 and thus represents a solution anyone can use, anywhere. Zeaus was thus named an Emergent Ventures Fellow (link) with a $20K grant to scale Filtrair. He is also backed by the Singapore government.

Technology can be powerful, but teaching youth how to build technology so they too may protect our Earth is even more powerful. Zeaus has conducted workshops around Southeast Asia to teach youth how to build their own Filtrairs.

removing carbon dioxide from our atmosphere


Zeaus and his team is working on their biggest technical project to date, but very likely, the most impactful. Global warming can no longer be solved with policy, there needs to be effective ways to remove carbon dioxide from air.

Since 2024, we have been exploring extracellular RuBisCO enzymes as a basis for a carbon sequestration unit. So far, Zeaus managed to computationally optimise RuBisCO for 4-fold higher carbon capture than typical plant enzymes.

Previously, we trialled RuBisCO in a hydrogel setting with limited success, but are now working on using an aqueous environment of precursor solutions, which has so far proven promising. Support our work!

“Zeaus is an absolute force of nature, who loves nature. His leadership, dedication and maker spirit has scaled the work of One Earth Lab to what it is today.”

Jaden tee
student engineer and climate activist working at one earth lab

“Zeaus is an enterprising, gritty builder from Singapore who's tackling climate change with exciting deep tech innovations. He epitomises the Emergent Ventures spirit.”

Prof. tyler cowen
founder of emergent ventures, writer at marginal revolutions

“Zeaus is doing very impressive work conceptualising, researching and then building Filtrair and Sequestair. I'm proud of his contributions to the environmental cause!"

dr. melvyn lim
deputy principal of hwa chong institution and advisor to zeaus

“Zeaus is meticulous and driven. His work at One Earth Lab transcends activism: He's actively building the future and leading Southeast Asian teens to do the same.”

Dr. fang yu ching
high school teacher whose students have participated in zeaus' workshops

"Zeaus is someone I look up to. As a leader, he actively involves us volunteer chefs in the planning of Koh's Kitchen and celebrates our successes. He's taught me so much and I'm inspired by his passion.”

megan lee
volunteer chef at 1EL

“Smart and humble. The speed at which Zeaus can iterate through prototypes and execute difficult technical projects gives me hope for the future of our planet.”

Dr. shieh le shiang
phd in philosophy and mentor to zeaus

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